Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hip Hop vs. Ethics Essay - 1665 Words

Ethics of The Music Industry Works Cited Not Included Hip-hop culture has been socially labeled as deviant, a counter-culture, un-American because of its lack of moral. Specifically, gangsta rap which glorifies guns, sex, violence, drug use and gang activity has been castigated. This type of rap promotes a nonconformist and rebel adaptive behavior. As a result, it gives hip-hop culture a deviant label. A simple definition of deviance is behavior that does not conform to group-shared norms; behavior that (in some way) does not meet the expectations of a group or a society as a whole and is subject to social control (Liska 2). Mr. Kirkland, along with rap entrepreneur Russell Simmons, Grammy award-winning Chuck D, Charles Fisher and†¦show more content†¦Larger society may disapprove due to their immoral ethics and promotion of deviant ideas, but larger society also supports freedom of speech. Whether or not morals are worth the loss of a basic constitutional freedom of speech is in question. The indicator of moral panic surrounding hip-hop music is: volatility. The eruption of this newly found threat to fans of rap music by famous gangsta rappers and its fairy-tale like gangsta life themes have occurred within the last decade. The volatility and eruption of these rebel ideals, specifically gangsta rap started on the West Coast, innovated by N.W.A., Niggaz With Attitude. NWA was most controversial music group to top the charts on the Soundscan system, which tracked sales of national record sales, during the early 90s (Farrish 2). NWAs lyrics and images heuristically analyzed and promoted gang affiliation, drug dealing and use, homicide, sex, misogyny, alcohol abuse, and hate on police campaigns. The rap industry is an oligopoly where 5 large firms dominate the market (Rose 55). According to hip-hop philosophers such as Rose, hip-hop music has become homogenized. 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