Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea - 1381 Words

Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway and published in 1952. This is a captivating fiction story about a man named Santiago and his adventure when one day, he goes on a fishing journey to catch the big one. However, this adventure quickly becomes one of pain and suffering when things take a turn for the worse. The Old Man and the Sea takes in place in Havana, Cuba and the fishing waters off the coast of Havana. The Spanish names, Santiago and Manolin, are typical in Cuba. Cuba is mostly Catholic so this accounted for Santiagos devotion to Jesus Christ. The year seems to be around the 1930s and 1940s because Santiago is a big fan of Joe DiMaggio who played during these†¦show more content†¦He tries to reel it in but he cant. Instead the fish is pulling the boat! He struggles and struggles with the fish for hours. After a while fatigue takes its toll as his hands clamp up, and his back aches from the line tied around it. The fish surfaces and Santiago realizes that it is longer than the boat he is on! An unexpected jerk leaves a gash in his hand only to add to his pain. After a very long while Santiago shortens the line to harpoon it. He latches the fish to the side of the boat and begind to tow it back to shore triumphant. Then a mako shark approaches and takes a large bite out of the marlin. Santiago kills it with a harpoon. Only later did he realize that the sharks blood would attract more sharks. As more sharks approached Santiago fought with all his might to save his fish but there was too many sharks. By the time he got to shore, he had nothing more than a skeleton. Santiago collapses from exhaustion on the shore but is found by Manolin and calls for help. The community marveled at the size of the skeleton that is still attached to the boat. Manolin takes care of the old man and vows to return to him as an apprentice. Santiago finally gets the repect from his community. Hemingway wrote this novel in the third person. By writing in the third person, the reader was able to know more information than the protagonist, Santiago, knew. Knowing what might happen to the protagonist without him knowing raisedShow MoreRelatedErnest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea1685 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Old Man and the Sea† by Ernest Hemingway follows an older Cuban fisherman named Santiago who struggles with a giant marlin, â€Å"the biggest fish he had ever seen and bigger than he had ever heard of† (Hemingway 63), far out in the Gulf Stream. Two days and two nights pass in this struggle. Santiago, completely worn out and almost in delirium, uses all the strength he had left in him to pull the fish onto its side and stab the marlin with a harpoon putting an end to the long battle between the oldRead MoreErnest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea1178 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,† by Ernest Hemingway, the s ea is an ever-present part of the setting. It provides the old man his profession and he finds solace in it during his isolated battle with the giant fish. He takes a different, and much more hopeful approach to going out on the sea than the young fishermen. Additionally, the old man recognizes weather and finds beauty and advantage in it, rather than seeing it as an obstacle. Furthermore, Santiago is so confident on the water that he believesRead MoreErnest Hemingways the Old Man and the Sea1106 Words   |  5 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea includes many symbols and metaphors within the story line. Hemingway uses the technique of comparing two items as symbolism in his story to make this story personally unique and to share his point of view of many different worldly topics. Some of the metaphors Hemingway uses as symbols to relate the story to real life are the similarities between the marlin and life, life and the sea, and the poor and the rich. Ernest Hemingway wrote about the marlin as if it was a humanRead MoreTranscendentalism In Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea1727 Words   |  7 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway follows a small portion in the life of an old man named Santiago. Santiago has lived in the same town for many years working as a fisherman. He has had great success in the past, but recently has found himself catching very few fish. He meets a young boy who helps him prepare for his journies. The young boy helps care for Santiago and is greatly inspired by him. Santiago decides one day to take a voyage and catch fish. 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This is due to him expressing and demonstrating multiple key components of Transcendentalism including being one with nature, taking instruction from the past, inviting the future, and being sel f-reliant. Particularly, Santiago embraces the idea of being unified with the nature surroundingRead MoreAnalysis Of Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea852 Words   |  4 PagesThe will to keep on going even though there is a good chance of dying just to have a chance at getting something that might not be worth it. That is shown in the novella The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. When the Old man who is known as Santiago decides to go fishing alone without the help of his friend who is a boy, and Santiago is greeted by a massive fish. That he then tries to kill since he has the massive fish hooked. 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