Sunday, August 23, 2020

Wooden Bats versus Metal Bats in Baseball Essay

Wooden Bats versus Metal Bats in Baseball - Essay Example Wooden bats are heavier than metal bats since they are strong, and that is the reason they require more exertion to influence than aluminum bats. They likewise have a littler sweet spot because of which the hit stays inside range, i.e., the hitting zone is little. At the end of the day, the heaviness of wooden bats is thought a long way from hands, or as it were, the focal point of gravity lies in the barrel. In this way, the swing weight is higher, which keeps the ball inside range and implies that the ball won't go a lot farther. Metal bats are empty from inside. A metal bat is lighter on account of a bigger sweet spot (Zumerchik 52), and the weight is thought near the hands, which will make the hit swing a lot higher as the swing weight is lower. A ball tossed at a higher or quicker pace will likewise go farther. Wooden bats are more secure than metal bats in light of the fact that the leave speed of the ball is much more slow in the event of wooden bats. Therefore, the ball falls off with moderate speed, which is acceptable as it diminishes the threat of injury if the ball hits another player or pitcher. Likewise, there is no way that the bat will get hurled away from the hands of the player. This is the reason significant group baseball specialists embrace the utilization of wooden bats, thinking about the hit intensity of the expert players. Metal bats, as they are lighter, can without much of a stretch get hurled away to harm another player. Likewise, the bigger sweet spot if there should arise an occurrence of metal bats causes bigger leave speed of the ball, i.e., the ball will hop off quicker, which could harm anyone inside the hitting zone truly. There have been numerous sad occasions previously, in which players or onlookers got harmed because of this issue, as the Associated Press states, â€Å"A New Jersey young person left mind harmed in the wake of being struck by a line drive while playing in an adolescent ball game will get $14.5 million to settle his claim against the bat.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Pros and cons of The Globalization Process Essay

The Pros and cons of The Globalization Process - Essay Example This paper offers an extensive investigation of globalization marvels, thinking about advantages and disadvantages of the procedure and surveying its job in the cutting edge universe of today. With the coming of the web and huge processing frameworks that are all things considered little in physical scale, the world is turning into an ever-contracting globe. The idea of a contracting world, a world wherein travel, exchange and correspondences between nations is getting effectively available by all, is tricking more organizations into the overall market on account of huge advances in transportation, correspondence and an acknowledgment of the achievement of libertarian promoting frameworks. The globalization of business sectors has quickened through general acknowledgment of the law based free endeavor model and new correspondence innovations, including satellites and the Internet. Changes in the manner by which associations lead business have been fast and wide-spread as the globalization idea has been presented. It is the inalienable idea of the commercial center to expand effectiveness inside the work environment by continually endeavoring to deliver the most items with minimal consumption of assets. It is this idea that drove numerous organizations to participate in the globalization procedure, much of the time re-appropriating their exercises and creation procedures to less created nations in which this procedure is more affordable and requires less limitations, permitting, and controls. Worldwide markets offer more noteworthy open door for individuals to take advantage of more and bigger markets the world over.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Horizontal Integration - Free Essay Example

Overview: The introduction of the company Davis Service Group; which is the biggest company in the UK and Europe in the provision of textile maintenance service (in the main) along with the wash room services, laundry, dust control mat and work wear rentals. Besides that it worked even in the US (Davis services Group) and their focus to grow was very straight forward that is why they give preference to horizontal integration in 2002 and take over Berendsen company (leader of the market of Europe in the same nature of business), the acquisition of the company was helpful as it was not much difficult for the Davis group to take over the Berendsen but also Berendsen was the market leader but not well off like Davis Group. The leading company of the textile in Europe is berendsen with 80 service stations and 7300 employees. The work of these service stations is to manage the laundry, maintenance, textile rental, and supply. It also has the supply and manufacturing basis in Sweden and Estonia. Information about Berendsen Two major ways on which company may grow Horizontal integration: The horizontal integration in the normal words can be expressed as the expansion of the existence business into the same nature of the business, for example if the business is running in some particular field like trade of some particular goods or services is extended into the same sort of product called horizontal integration. We can give the example of the merger of Morrison’s with subway (can be a good example of horizontal integration), hence this is the best known Britain’s horizontal integration merger in Feb, 2004. Which was according to growth and expansion of the business was the right and wise decision. (Flouris, T. G. And Oswald, S. L., 2006) Examples of horizontal integration of any company Horizontal integration of the business can be understandable as the companies which are working throughout the world when ever these are merging or taking over the other companies, firms or bodies actually these or they are buying the shares of the company and become the owner of the company happened in the same sort of business. There are few examples of such companies below, which did the integration both horizontally as well as vertically. Though I discussed earlier example of the horizontal integration i.e. Morison’s with the subway. Forgetting the after affects regarding the situation in the stock market the integration made the positive result in the expansion and growth of the business. Vertical integration the vertical integration can be illustrated as the expansion of the business in some irrelative nature of the business, means the expansion in some other nature like a company involves in selling the goods only and expanding the business in providing some services means add services as a part of their business is called vertical integration. Examples of vertical integration of company Examples of the companies which have extended their businesses in non similar way of business are called vertical integration of the companies; the example of such integration made by the company wall mart and its takeover to the Asda and then merger of kingfisher also is the example of the vertical integration of the companies. This take over was the example where three different type of the businesses joined together to put the business grow further ahead, like Davis Services Group did before with sunshine and other units of the business. Option available to Davis Company in making growth strategy During making the decision of the company of Davis services the company had several options available to grow but the company chose to go for the horizontal integration where they carry out the business in full strength as the acquiring of the Berendsen company by Davis Services Group really become helpful for the Davis group of company to grow in already strengthen gripped up market by Berendsen. the options available to Davis was first of all to see that which markets were the most suitable to them to carry out the business, which should be suitable regarding the market analysis like, language, currency, traditional and cultural differences etc. though they had to take the decision after passing out from all these points. It is the law of the business that I should be running according to the demand of the customers. So they had choices of expanding accordingly the order they used to follow in their nation and they succeeded as European union is the most reliable market for th e business growth. How these options would benefits the company The company having the same nature of business running but not very much profitable as Davis is in the Britain. Hence there was the financial assessment of the company were taken by the Davis completely where the company is being watched in the way to its financial responsibilities, current assets, current liabilities, companies good will etc is being calculated after that Davis group assumed the present condition and manage the funds by selling the share of  £150 million as well as  £425 million borrowed from the new bank.Q2: Business grows when they have the resources to expand and opportunities exist for growth. Explain how the acquisition of Berendsen provided such a good opportunity for the Davis Service Group. How businesses get the growth The Davis services Group were the leader in their own market in UK, the need to expand was the great opportunity to get growth even beyond the limit of one nation. For that reason the company had an opportunity to grab the already working firm names berendsen. Financial requirements Capital needed to start and capitalise the business is the basic requirement, we should know how capital will use in business also the equity that will be provided for the business. The source should be well known if the loan for initial capital is taken on security replacement of equity. Current business position It is also necessary to determined the current position of the business at the time of buying the business, hence same strategic step has been taken by the Davis group as per on acquisition of the company berendsen. DVSG? Davis Service Group PLC, The(LON)? 327.25 +3.75? (1.16%?) 17 Jul 12:34 GMT Open: 327.25 High: 329.00 Low: 322.75 Volume: 44,541 Avg Vol: 0 Mkt Cap: 557.59M Disclaimer Digital Look, Davis Service Group (DVSG), viewed 13 July 2009, Major achievements It includes the detail of the developments in the company which includes patents and prototypes of the company and any crucial contracts that needs to be in place of product development. Statement of purpose, Make it easy for the reader to realize at first glance both your needs and capabilities. Entrepreneur, Elements of a Business Plan, viewed 13 July 2009, Acquisition of the berendsen by Davis was really a good decision After getting followed up with all the necessary elements of growth to a businesses of any nature it is necessary to see the acquisition of the berendsen and Davis weather companies took really a good decision or what outcomes showed it decision wrong. According to Mr. Roger dye the whole of the acquisition was very pleasant and basic reason for the takeover was to lead and grow the market, he said the reason why they chose berendsen was that It was leader of the Europe market, just like Davis Group in UK. He said that geographically still UK is the main market but the European market was growing rapidly and still doing so. The offered qualities of the company are Moreover he said one of his another interview where he was briefly discussing the company’s performance Strategic Growth Concept, The Elements of the Business Plan, viewed 13 July 2009, â€Å"Competence in the operations that we manage a safe pair of hands (what we say we are going to deliver, we will deliver). Ethically very strong, high levels of trust etc. A well supported progressive dividend policy. I think these are the sort of things that come to mind.† ROGER DYE, FD of Davis Service Group says key challenge and opportunity is to deliver on Sophus Berendsen acquisition, viewed 13 July 2009, https://www.t Q.3 What aspects of European Union markets have particularly encourage any of the growth strategies? Discuss how the European Union markets encouraged the strategies of growth Business strategically growth of the Davis group after the acquisition of the berendsen company, how it is being supported by the European Union for the better growth of the strategic business. The European Union market encourages the growth of Davis Service Group with the berendsen in Europe very much. If you are going to put setup of the business overseas it enables you growth specially if it is EU, with500 million potential customers and single market of 27 countries. As common currency is used in the whole market of currency it is easily doing the business (buying and selling) in much of the EU and a skilled workforce. Expansion overseas business has to take a number of factors into account. These include: (V. C. and at all, 1999) language curre ncy culture different legal and administrative systems Variable skill levels. Discuss the aspects of the European market I. Peace and stability Before becoming a real place of peace for the first half of the 20th century one can’t think Europe as a united state, only one person have thought about it. French foreign Minister Robert Schuman give idea originally given by Jean Monet, on 9 May 1950, proposed establishing a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Its production is dealt under the high authorities of the union. II. Safety and security To make the region work suitable to work, business and the living standards, lots of efforts are under observations specially the effort of combine work of the police from different countries are the effort to meet any terrorist activities. Hence this was also the very strong point to work in the area from the growth point of view in strategic thinking. III. Economic and social solidarity Basically it is made to bring change in political stability and solidarity but now EU has become the icon of economic and social solidarity as a rapid and fast growth is going on. To meet their contingencies the EU made funding to meet any future unexpected loss. Thus providing better access to outlying regions and boosting trans-European trade. IV. Values EU stands for a view of humanity and a model of society that the great majority of its citizens support. The Davis decided to grow its industry in the EU (European Union) Market. It sold other parts of the business to put more effort to make textile business well especially in the market like EU. This allows company to re-invest their profits and expanding the business. (Swann, D., 1992) Q no. 4 If the company were to expand into new areas of the globe, where would you recommend and why? What factors might encourage or discourage this choice? Which areas would be more focused or suitable for the company’s expansion? If the company has to expand somewhere in the near future, to me it will be expanding the china market because the market in china is having a lot of scope even more than the European Union market. Factors that encouraging the choice of expand here I am going to talk about the important factors which are necessary in the expansion of any company weather it is the type of integrations (vertical or horizontal), besides the thinking of merging and taking over we are to discuss some of the factors which can be effective in making the expansion use full as I discussed above the market which I think is most suitable worldwide for the expansion of the business. Davis needs to see some company at china for merging or taken over as the Chinese companies also will be quite very much cheaper than the rest of the world . Factors discouraging the choice of expand Globally managing the staff is quite a big problem as the distance of china and Britain is very far. The timing difference according to me is the biggest problem in the assessment of efficiency of work and better communication Due to big difference in the region the shipment charges can cost high. Q.5 how would you advice the company to go about making a decision on their strategic choice? Company’s choice of making decision should be strategic When a company forms it is passing from the different several phases at the time when it reaches to its peak in term of business development as well as profit ability and the market grip. The strategically approach of the business tells to do the expansion hence if the company like Davis Service Group which was the market leader in its field which I already discussed in early tasks of the report. If we see that choice of making decision towards the expansion of the business in some new market, it could be either the emergence of new system or merging/ taking over to some already working firm. Hence in both cases the major discussion is that, the decision of expanding the business in some new market is strategic. Being an analyst we have to make sure that all the strategies should work together to improve the position of the business. Suggestion in making strategic choice, could they do expansion or not If the company suppose going to take the decision for expansion in some new markets they have to make few points very clear from the top to bottom. Means the company should have first of all resources to buy share or to merge the other company (resources include all the expenses even after buying the business), market situation should be already favour able to company even if need of improvement is there. Try to observe the few positive aspects of the business expansion try to go to a reason able place to expand. Try to grab either new market where no similar sort of business done before or find someplace where the chances of the growth are expected more as per reason of experience (Market like china providing good development chances). The question that could they do that expansion or not are very important to be understand because the phenomenon of expansion is really belong to the present condition of the market situation. Hence present market situation of the company is quite very good the market grip of company over the business is too strong n othing wrong can be said because there share price also rises all the sectors where the company is working, the work is going very efficient following diagram could show us the clear view of situation of the company. (Johnson, G. and at all, 2008) Q.6 As a strategic consultant to the company, what other or alternative strategic measure would you have recommended to the company and why? Recommendation to the company at strategic point of view The company though is working efficiently along with that the areas where the company makes its decisions to get more growth is work ware uniforms 33%, hotels and restaurants 19%, health ware 29%, facilities 10% and sales and production is 9%. Hence the company is working in this kind of situation where it needs to make a concentration on so many things together at a time/ multi tasks like that but in the same nature of the business. Compete successfully: The competition with the other competitors of the business either the big one or sets of small ones is very necessary such business strategies should come under considerations so that the market situation is all the time become under control of the company and hence the market capturing factor of some other company to grow also be kept under consideration to it. As a strategic consultant of the company As a strategic consultant of the company we have to follow few main points through which we can offer the company few good choices to make it well in its work. Suppose the company is working all over well but there is one competitor arose to the market and becoming famous. Basically that happens because of the bad policies and not to having a good eye on the competitor’s activities, so the analysis for the competitor is very much advise able on the routine basis. Like the company Pepsi and coca cola almost making the same sort of brand cold drink and there is very tight competition between those two. For meeting this level of observation the company must work hard even in order to look what is happening in the competitor’s mind as well as analyze it at early stage and try to rectify it with their better policies. Reference Flouris, T. G. And Oswald, S. L. (2006), â€Å"Designing and executing strategy in aviation management†, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Price, V. C. and at all (1999), â€Å"The enlargement of the European Union: issues and strategies†, Routledge Swann, D. (1992), â€Å"The Single European market and beyond: a study of the wider implications of the Single European Act†, Taylor Francis Johnson, G. and at all (2008), â€Å"Exploring Corporate Strategy†, Pearson Education assessed on 13th July 2009 assessed on 13th July 2009 assessed on 13th July 2009 assessed on 13th July 2009 k/case-studydavis-service-group111-278-0.php assessed on 13th July 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea - 1381 Words

Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway and published in 1952. This is a captivating fiction story about a man named Santiago and his adventure when one day, he goes on a fishing journey to catch the big one. However, this adventure quickly becomes one of pain and suffering when things take a turn for the worse. The Old Man and the Sea takes in place in Havana, Cuba and the fishing waters off the coast of Havana. The Spanish names, Santiago and Manolin, are typical in Cuba. Cuba is mostly Catholic so this accounted for Santiagos devotion to Jesus Christ. The year seems to be around the 1930s and 1940s because Santiago is a big fan of Joe DiMaggio who played during these†¦show more content†¦He tries to reel it in but he cant. Instead the fish is pulling the boat! He struggles and struggles with the fish for hours. After a while fatigue takes its toll as his hands clamp up, and his back aches from the line tied around it. The fish surfaces and Santiago realizes that it is longer than the boat he is on! An unexpected jerk leaves a gash in his hand only to add to his pain. After a very long while Santiago shortens the line to harpoon it. He latches the fish to the side of the boat and begind to tow it back to shore triumphant. Then a mako shark approaches and takes a large bite out of the marlin. Santiago kills it with a harpoon. Only later did he realize that the sharks blood would attract more sharks. As more sharks approached Santiago fought with all his might to save his fish but there was too many sharks. By the time he got to shore, he had nothing more than a skeleton. Santiago collapses from exhaustion on the shore but is found by Manolin and calls for help. The community marveled at the size of the skeleton that is still attached to the boat. Manolin takes care of the old man and vows to return to him as an apprentice. Santiago finally gets the repect from his community. Hemingway wrote this novel in the third person. By writing in the third person, the reader was able to know more information than the protagonist, Santiago, knew. Knowing what might happen to the protagonist without him knowing raisedShow MoreRelatedErnest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea1685 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Old Man and the Sea† by Ernest Hemingway follows an older Cuban fisherman named Santiago who struggles with a giant marlin, â€Å"the biggest fish he had ever seen and bigger than he had ever heard of† (Hemingway 63), far out in the Gulf Stream. Two days and two nights pass in this struggle. Santiago, completely worn out and almost in delirium, uses all the strength he had left in him to pull the fish onto its side and stab the marlin with a harpoon putting an end to the long battle between the oldRead MoreErnest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea1178 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,† by Ernest Hemingway, the s ea is an ever-present part of the setting. It provides the old man his profession and he finds solace in it during his isolated battle with the giant fish. He takes a different, and much more hopeful approach to going out on the sea than the young fishermen. Additionally, the old man recognizes weather and finds beauty and advantage in it, rather than seeing it as an obstacle. Furthermore, Santiago is so confident on the water that he believesRead MoreErnest Hemingways the Old Man and the Sea1106 Words   |  5 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea includes many symbols and metaphors within the story line. Hemingway uses the technique of comparing two items as symbolism in his story to make this story personally unique and to share his point of view of many different worldly topics. Some of the metaphors Hemingway uses as symbols to relate the story to real life are the similarities between the marlin and life, life and the sea, and the poor and the rich. Ernest Hemingway wrote about the marlin as if it was a humanRead MoreTranscendentalism In Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea1727 Words   |  7 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway follows a small portion in the life of an old man named Santiago. Santiago has lived in the same town for many years working as a fisherman. He has had great success in the past, but recently has found himself catching very few fish. He meets a young boy who helps him prepare for his journies. The young boy helps care for Santiago and is greatly inspired by him. Santiago decides one day to take a voyage and catch fish. However, when he starts fishing, heRead MorePerseverance In Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea1379 Words   |  6 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea â€Å"But man is not made for defeat, he said. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. (Hemingway 103).† This quote, written by Ernest Hemingway in the short story The Old Man and the Sea, captures the theme perseverance in numerous ways. This quote describes when the old man Santiago was struck down physically, with the injuries of his hands and the pain of staying awake for a number of days. However, he mentally kept pushing forward, leading to his ultimate survival and hisRead MoreTranscendentalism In Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea906 Words   |  4 PagesErnest Hemingway is widely known for his unique characters in his stories called code heroes - however, his character Santiago from his novella The Old Man and the Sea would be better identified as a Transcendentalist. This is due to him expressing and demonstrating multiple key components of Transcendentalism including being one with nature, taking instruction from the past, inviting the future, and being sel f-reliant. Particularly, Santiago embraces the idea of being unified with the nature surroundingRead MoreAnalysis Of Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea852 Words   |  4 PagesThe will to keep on going even though there is a good chance of dying just to have a chance at getting something that might not be worth it. That is shown in the novella The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. When the Old man who is known as Santiago decides to go fishing alone without the help of his friend who is a boy, and Santiago is greeted by a massive fish. That he then tries to kill since he has the massive fish hooked. The battle against Santiago ,and the fish lasted for days, whichRead MoreLuck And Fate In Ernest Hemingways The Old Man And The Sea987 Words   |  4 Pagesand fate play a huge role in the story The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Factors such as pride and ambition, with luck and fate, has proven to play a huge role. This was shown when Santiago was believed to no longer be lucky, not letting pride get in the way and letting fate decide what his next steps will be. Santiago has never been lucky when it comes to fishing, but that has never stopped him before. The book states â€Å"He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf StreamRead MoreMoving Past Triumphs and Tragedies in Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea727 Words   |  3 PagesIndividuals may look deep within to summon courage that is necessary to move past triumphs and tragedies. In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago struggles greatly to search for hope in seemingly hopeless situations. The idea that people look deep within to summon courage is portrayed through the actions of Santiago, Manolin, and Manolin’s parents. Santiago’s attitude seems to be that although he faces difficulties, he finds the strength inside of him to be able to overcome themRead MoreEssay about Hemingways Themes1593 Words   |  7 PagesHemingways Themes â€Å"Hemingway’s greatness is in his short stories, which rival any other master of the form†(Bloom 1). The Old Man and the Sea is the most popular of his later works (1). The themes represented in this book are religion (Gurko 13-14), heroism (Brenner 31-32), and character symbolism (28). These themes combine to create a book that won Hemingway a Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and contributed to his Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (3). â€Å"Santiago’s ordeal, first in his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hip Hop vs. Ethics Essay - 1665 Words

Ethics of The Music Industry Works Cited Not Included Hip-hop culture has been socially labeled as deviant, a counter-culture, un-American because of its lack of moral. Specifically, gangsta rap which glorifies guns, sex, violence, drug use and gang activity has been castigated. This type of rap promotes a nonconformist and rebel adaptive behavior. As a result, it gives hip-hop culture a deviant label. A simple definition of deviance is behavior that does not conform to group-shared norms; behavior that (in some way) does not meet the expectations of a group or a society as a whole and is subject to social control (Liska 2). Mr. Kirkland, along with rap entrepreneur Russell Simmons, Grammy award-winning Chuck D, Charles Fisher and†¦show more content†¦Larger society may disapprove due to their immoral ethics and promotion of deviant ideas, but larger society also supports freedom of speech. Whether or not morals are worth the loss of a basic constitutional freedom of speech is in question. The indicator of moral panic surrounding hip-hop music is: volatility. The eruption of this newly found threat to fans of rap music by famous gangsta rappers and its fairy-tale like gangsta life themes have occurred within the last decade. The volatility and eruption of these rebel ideals, specifically gangsta rap started on the West Coast, innovated by N.W.A., Niggaz With Attitude. NWA was most controversial music group to top the charts on the Soundscan system, which tracked sales of national record sales, during the early 90s (Farrish 2). NWAs lyrics and images heuristically analyzed and promoted gang affiliation, drug dealing and use, homicide, sex, misogyny, alcohol abuse, and hate on police campaigns. The rap industry is an oligopoly where 5 large firms dominate the market (Rose 55). According to hip-hop philosophers such as Rose, hip-hop music has become homogenized. 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Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control Essay Example For Students

Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control Essay Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control. But this is not the case at all. As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their childrens academic results than the school does. Most of a childs ability to communicate, to relate to teachers and peers and their attitude to learning, is formed from home. Parents can help give their children a head start, by beginning their education at home. Many parents dont realise how they can help their children at home. Things as simple as baking a cake with their children can help them with their education. Measuring out ingredients for a cake is a simple form of maths. Another example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party. They have to decide how many people to invite, how many invitations they will need, how much the stamps will cost, how many prizes, lolly bags, cups, plates, and balloons need to be bought, and so on. Children often find that real life experiences help them to do their maths more easily. Another way that parents can help their children with their maths, is to give them pocket money. It does not have to be a large amount, and they may have to do chores to earn it. This not only teaches them about the value of money, but they may need to use basic maths to work out how long they will have to save to buy the special toy that they want. This means that children are developing their money sense, as well as their maths skills. Reading to children at an early age can give them a head start when they start school. But parents should not stop reading to children when they do start going to school. They still like to be read to, and it can help to increase their sight vocabulary as well. Parents can also help their children with their reading skills by providing them with reading opportunities. Parents can read their children books, signs, magazines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" or anything else that interests them. Teaching children the alphabet whilst they are young, can also help them with their spelling and reading. Providing children with the right equipment can help with their education. Giving them a quiet place where they can work, read and do homework, with a good reading light and a comfortable chair and desk, are just some of these things. Parents can also help their children by proving them with some reference books, and any other relevant learning material they might need. There are many ways that parents can help their children with their oral communication skills. Some of these include letting their child answer the phone and order food and participate in family conversation and informal conversation with neighbours so that they can experience all different situations where different types of speech are used. It is important to encourage good speech, and parents  should do this by using correct speech themselves, and helping their children when they say something incorrectly. Parents can help with Society and Environment in a number of different ways. For example, they can show their children how the scale and legends on a road map help you to determine your route. Parents can also help their children with finding information for assignments, but they have to make sure that they do not do the assignments for them. Science is everywhere around us, and helping children with this subject can be very easy for parents. Pointing out flora and fauna in the garden for example is giving children a head start in their education. The fridge, TV, air-conditioner, and computer are all related to science in one way or another, and teaching young children about these things and of course many others, can help to develop their scientific minds. .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .postImageUrl , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:hover , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:visited , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:active { border:0!important; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:active , .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf2fa357a24bb23a7d0ecf405affc81bd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Career Goals And The Code Of Ethics EssayHealth starts from an early age, and teaching children basic things at home can help them when they start to go to school. Parents can teach their children about food, exercise, and rest and this will help them with health, as these things are related to it. Parents can also teach their children the importance of safety rules, hand washing, and caring for teeth, all of which are increasing their knowledge of the topic. Evidently, parents do need to take an active and interested role in the education of their children. As mentioned, there are a variety of different things that parents should do to help their children with their education, but of course there are many more things that parents can do. If parents dont do any of these things, you can easily see how far their children may fall behind when they go to school. So if parents want their children to do well at school, they must be prepared to help educate their children at home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Nike Micro and Macro free essay sample

1. What are your chosen companys marketing principles? Is this company trying to provide superior quality/value products, to have excellent services, to be innovative, to have a valuable brand name, or to understand competitors / consumers through market research capabilities etc? How and where do you find this information*? You can find this from companys mission statement, advertising slogans, and other places (e.g., companys website, information for investors, leaflets). *This is where SWOT and Porters can come in (PEST is not very relevant for this assignments topic). Do not to re-analyse the company. You can put your slides if they are relevant in appendix (it is not part of the final word count) 2. This essay is about Nike’s principles of marketing and market evaluation. Nike’s principles of marketing are based on 4Ps, products, price, place and promotions. Nike’s mission statement is ‘’to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world’’. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Micro and Macro or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is because Nike mostly sells good clothes, bags, trainers and equipment for athletes. However, its target audience of Nike is also men, women, teenage, college/university students. (see appendix 1). Nike is leading the market and is operating in160 countries. Nike Products: Nike’s principles of marketing involve quality of the product. Nike is well known brand because of its new stylish outfit that comes out in the market every year. Nike is now also very famous of its slogan ‘just do it’ and it has this on most of its products. This is very significant for Nike to grab its customer’s attention by its logo or the slogan not just in the UK but also worldwide. Another reason of why Nike’s products are valued in the market is because it has good quality that worth the price that they sell it for as compared to their competitors i.e. Adidas, Puma or Lonsdale. People from different countries use Nike products especially for sportswear. Therefore, there are many social and sports clubs that use Nike’s products to improve their clubs image and to provide better outfit to their player and athletes (See appendix 2). This also improves the clubs image so as the Nike brand itself as there are so many clubs that use Nike kits now including football international teams like England. Promotions: Nike biggest tool to promote its products is through sponsors. Nike sponsors many football and other sports clubs which endorse the brand and makes it well knows for customers. Moreover, Nike use many other sources such as TV adverts, posters and through their distributers i.e. Footlocker, JD and Sports Direct. More about how Nike promotes its products. Appendix: 2) This reference represents the England football team kit which became the 2nd in the world after the football associations (FA) used Nike outfits.